Zehdenick North Field Due Diligence

Conducted due diligence as part of our client’s acquisition process of a majority stake in this large onshore gas deposit in Germany which was thought to contain contingent resources of 22.6Billionsm3 of methane. Our client a finance house had concerns over the validity of the resources and required a number of technical assessments to made to test the vendor’s claims with respect to the volumes associated with the resource: 

  1. Critique the Competent Person Report (CPR) on the resource
  2. Reviewed the geological documents in the data room to assess if they backed up the statements made in the CPR.
  3. Reviewed and commented on the budget for drilling and permitting work associated with drilling an appraisal well into the property.

Developed an opinion on the property and its potential for commercial success. Guided the client through the subsequent phases of due diligence.

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