Whiptail Field FDP Review

Performed a review of the FDP for this project which vetted in detail all elements to ensure the plan proposed was viable, that these elements provided sufficient basis for the development and that the plan ensured the most efficient and beneficial use of the petroleum resources, in line with the good international oil field practice:

1.      Geological, Petrophysical and Geophysical interpretations that provided the basis for hydrocarbon in place.

2.      Reservoir engineering basis, the reservoir models and reservoir management strategy

3.      Resource basis, including subsurface and project uncertainties

4.      Drilling plan: number of wells, drilling schedule and the individual well designs including completions

5.      SURF solution: subsea wellheads, subsea controls, flowlines, risers, umbilicals, materials selection and the flow assurance solution

6.      FPS0 topsides and marine: topsides equipment, capacity and sparing philosophy; process systems particularly the  compression system; utility systems; mechanical handling; power generation; control system; material selection; marine system; quarters; hull structure; mooring systems; riser pull-in and mounting system; crude evacuation system

7.      Safety assessment of all elements included in the production systems including the FPSO, SURF and Drilling Systems

8.      Decommissioning plan, including budget

9.      The implementation plan and schedule

10.    Project costs – development and operating; also conducted a cost bench marking study to compare the performance of the proposed solution against other spread-moored deep-water production systems around the world.

11.    The commercial proposition, financial models and  economic assessment submitted by the Operator that ensured financial optimisation of petroleum recovery

12.    The natural gas utilization plan for the field.

13.    The overall risk management strategy.

14.    Operations: plan for support once the system is in production – field support and logistics

The incorporation of the lessons learnt from previous FDP reviews and related studies conducted by the Operator.

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