Whiptail Field CSP Review

This CSP Review considered the viability and appropriateness of the options considered in developing the Preferred Option that formed the basis for the FDP. Technical and commercial considerations were vetted for all Options including:

  1. The geological, petrophysical and geophysical interpretations, models, in-place volumes and associated uncertainties assessed for individual reservoirs and at the field level.
  2. The reservoir simulations and estimation of hydrocarbons to be produced, including recovery efficiency analysis, taking into consideration the use of natural gas for injection and export.
  3. Delimiting the Petroleum Production License, so as to ensure optimum development and maximised economic recovery from a series of reservoirs of variable quality and size
  4. The viability of the drilling, subsea and facilities engineering solutions proposed, with an emphasis on minimised gas flaring, along with an initial assessment of their safety and environmental acceptability
  5. The acceptability of the proposed project costs - development and production -  and the project schedule.

The commercial acceptability of the methodology adopted to assess the individual development options and the Preferred Option

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