Uaru Field Concept Selection Process Review, Guyana
This Concept Selection Process Review considered these elements:
The design philosophy strategy and development models, as well as the criteria utilised in the Licensee’s choices including cost effectiveness. potential tie-ins, and production licensing philosophy;
The scenarios for development and analysis of geophysical and geological models, their volumetrics and associated uncertainties.
The well and reservoir management and depletion strategies under consideration;
The proposed FPSO design and topside facilities considering the GoG’s objective of ‘no routine flaring’;
Modifications made to previously used facilities design and the Licensee’s justification for these;
Financial modelling and calculation of net present values including verification of reserves included in the development;
The proposed project cost estimates economic analyses, cost savings and overall implications for the cost bank;
The risk management strategy for the risks identified in each development scenario;
The incorporation of lessons learnt from previous CSP Reviews and associated studies implemented by the Licensee;
How the development scenarios can incorporate climate solutions;