Pre-FEED Study Cluster III Ultra-deep-water Development, India

Implemented a Pre-FEED study to establish the optimum production configuration to develop this field, a gas development in 2,850m of water. When developed it will be the deepest producing gas field in the world.

The work was implemented in stages:

  1. Stage 1: was a review of 14 potential options for technical, cost, schedule and economic viability stand points. Definition was developed to give a cost accuracy ±40% - effectively Class 5 AACE estimates - of the final installed cost; this included development and operating costs.
  2. Stage 2: considered in further detail the most viable options derived from the selection process implemented in stage1. Each of these options was considered in more depth to further confirm their viability. Definition was developed to give a cost accuracy ±25% - effectively Class 4 AACE estimates.
  3. Stage 3: detailed the preferred Option derived from stage 2. Definition was developed to give a cost accuracy ±15% - effectively a Class 3 AACE estimates.

All aspects of the design were covered during the assessment including: Drilling; Subsea, Umbilicals, Risers and Flowlines (SURF); Pipelines; Floating Production Vessels; Topsides Facilities and Onshore Facilities.

Key aspects of the work were to:

  1. To test the technical viability of the work, that in all aspects the critical measures of being able to instal and operate in the 2,850m water depth were meet.
  2. Ensure the selected solution was cost effective and deliverable in a reasonable time frame.
  3. Finally ensure the economic viability of the preferred selection; it had to meet economic selection criteria set by the Client
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