Exploration Support and Planning - Lublin Basin Licenses, Poland

We conducted Exploration and Prospectivity assessments of license areas located in the central part of the Lublin Basin in eastern Poland. The aim of this study is to describe and understand their hydrocabon potential (prospectivity) and to highlight the most prospective areas with recommendations for further exploration.

The primary exploration targets were oil fields though significant secondary assessments were carried out on the shale gas potential of the license areas.

This work carried out included:

·       Assessing established and new play concepts

·       Seismic interpretation and mapping

·       Establishing the hydrocarbon potential of the license areas

·       Risking and ranking of the newly identified leads

·       Developing recommendations for further exploration

The hydrocarbon potential was presented in terms of unrisked potential resources and exploration risk, which were combined to provide the expected amount of recoverable resources in license areas – the Risked Resources. The unrisked recoverable resources were estimated using expected hydrocarbon volumes, which had been calculated for each prospect/lead and each prospective horizon using volumetric methods. Deterministic calculations were also performed, using the most likely values of each of the reservoir and hydrocarbon (oil and gas) parameters, calculated from seismic and well data, or estimated from mapping and regional data.

A significant amount of work carried in checking and quality assuring a very significant amount of legacy 2D seismic data. This was integrated with recently acquired, targeted 3D data.

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